I love playing games, but I love making them more.
As an individual that has always had a passion for anything to do with technology, whether it’s a new tech (motion controllers, VR headsets, quantum computing), a new console, or a new game i’ve been anticipating, it all comes together for my love of games!

I have always been on the outside of the industry, being one of the many simply playing games others have made, on consoles others have designed and built and while I have enjoyed growing up experiencing all of the amazing and wonderful creations of others, I finally decided to try and make something myself.

That’s where my first game Can Shot comes in. I started learning how to use the Unity engine in April 2023 and by July 5th of the same year, my first game was released on the Google Play Store. While it definitely did have several moments where I felt my mind was melting from the sheer amount of things I was learning, it was an incredibly fulfilling process that I can’t wait to do again!

While I hesitate to call myself a developer since i’m still very much so a beginner, I have taken a lot of time to learn basic fundamentals of games design from things like the SOLID principles, reading books such as The Art of Games Design: A Book of Lenses, watching many many YouTube videos and finally to joining discord groups centred around games development. The last one likely being one of the best decisions I could have made, this has allowed me to meet and chat with a lot of people like myself who re just starting, as well as highly skilled developers that have been involved in the industry in one way or another and to get their much valued feedback in the form of praise for what i’ve done well, criticisms for what i’ve done poorly and suggestions to how I can improve going forward.

While working solo has been a great experience, I one day hope to make something as part of a team, as I feel there are some things you can learn only as part of a team.

I hope to continue learning, improving my skills and creating fun and engaging games that anyone, anywhere can enjoy and I hope you will join me by playing my games! If you made it this far, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my little story. If you would like to get in touch with me, you can fill out the form on the contact page or by clicking any of the links at the bottom of this page.

I look forward to hearing from you!